I am declaring this blog obsolete. This does NOT mean the code does not work. It does mean that I am no longer continuing to test it, or maintain it. I do plan to update my other blog, mostly with 2.0 stuff, but will maintain some 1.0 stuff (mostly for the artist pages). I also plan to update the below index to point to relevant updated content, soon. INDEX to My Other Myspace Code Stuff

Friday, May 18, 2007

Hiding the Bottom Links and Grey Space

Hide Bottom Links, CC thing, and Grey (or is it Gray?) Space
{! hide bottom links http://spiff-myspace.blogspot.com -!}
table div {display:none}
{! bring back stuff we do not want to hide; ad banner; url -!}
div table div {display:block;}
table table div {display:block;}
{! additional line if you have a custom div !}
table div.YourCustomDivName {display:block}

Hide the bottom links and get rid of the Grey (Keep the cc thing):
{!- ditch bottom links leave cc; http://spiff-myspace.blogspot.com -!}
table div div {display:none}
div table div div {display:block;}
table div div table {display:block;}
{!- gray background; effects url -}
table tr {background-color:transparent;}
If you now want to restore the white color, to the URL, which was lost with the above, add this block:
table.userProfileURL table tr {background-color:white}
If you have a custom div, which has a combination of inline and block elements, you may need to set the display for the inline objects. Using block for inline objects, and inline for block objects, can cause appearance issues.
However, if I am going to display:none at one level, and undo it at another level, I have to choose either inline or block.